
Showing posts from September, 2022

Treatment of weak faith

Faith increases and decreases in the heart of the believer. And the believer always needs to renew this faith in his heart. The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Faith is created inside one of you as a garment is created, so ask God to renew faith in your hearts.” It is from the jurisprudence of a servant that he knows whether faith in his heart increases or decreases. There are ways to strengthen faith in the heart of a Muslim, and they are as follows: In summary, the means that increase faith can be summed up in monotheism and repentance, avoiding falling into major sins, seeking forgiveness, ablution, prayer, taking many steps to mosques, charity, fasting, and remembrance. 1.Monotheism: Belief in the absolute oneness of God – Blessed and Exalted be He – in order to increase faith 2. Sincere repentance: and this is pure repentance. 3. Avoiding major sins: major sins are sins that have Hudud (specific punishments or limits). 4. Increase in seeking forgiven